Daily Devotion for October 16, 2006
A Nail Hole in the Wall
I will pour out my Spirit on all people. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below. Acts 2:17 & 19
A lady in one of my Word Among Us Bible Classes once told me how God spoke to her through a nail hole in her wall. She’d planned just to hang a picture over the hole to cover it up. God told her (in a quiet, inside way) that she was doing the same thing in her marriage, covering up holes and flaws instead of repairing them. She took the time to fill the hole in her wall and to work on her marriage. The voice of God, the Holy Spirit, rarely comes in loudly with blaring sirens and flashing lights. Most of God’s signs on earth are simple, found in the ordinary circumstances of our lives. What is God trying to tell you through a hole in the wall or some other ordinary circumstance? Can you tune your ears to God’s channel so you can hear His voice?
Lord God, You speak quietly through Your Spirit. Help me to tune my ears to listen closely and obey when You call me to act. Thank you for sending Your Spirit to be active and working in my life at all times. What confidence it gives me to know I have Your wisdom and guidance available to me at every turn. Amen.
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