Daily Devotion for June 19, 2006
Walk By Faith
”I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
When you believe in Jesus Christ you can never go back to who or what you were before. The difference is that Christ lives inside you thru the Holy Spirit. Your sins are forgiven and you become a new person. You are still you but the difference is you have the Holy Spirit living inside you now. You are a child of God.
You have to stop and think about this. The Holy Spirit, part of the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost (Spirit) is always with me. The Spirit is called comforter and is an intercessor to God on my behalf. I don't even have to know what to say in my prayers, the Spirit will intercede with moans and groans on my behalf.
Do you feel lost? Do you feel something is missing? Are you feeling empty? Besides work and family, do you feel you need something more?
Are you trusting in Jesus as your Savior?
You can pray this simple prayer:
Dear Lord, I don't have all the answers. I do know that I need something which I do not have now. I am lacking and don't know what it is or what to do about it. Please come into my life. I want your SPIRIT in my life. I want forgiveness for my sins. I put my trust in you as my Savior. I know I am not complete without you. You will accept me just as I am. I surrender myself to you. Thank you God for hearing my prayer and making me a new person. In the name of your son, Jesus, who is now my SAVIOR I pray, Amen.
If you said this prayer just now, please phone, visit, or contact someone you know right now who is a believer and tell them what you did. Or contact any Christian church and ask to speak to someone there. If you don’t know of a church, contact Lutheran Church Charities (866-455-6466) and we can help you find a church. It is important to tell someone. Jesus said to confess in public. He then will confess you to his Father in Heaven. You don't need to stand on the corner and shout it. Just tell one person. That's where you need to start.
Dear Lord, I don't have all the answers. I do know that I need something which I do not have now. I am lacking and don't know what it is or what to do about it. Please come into my life. I want your SPIRIT in my life. I want forgiveness for my sins. I put my trust in you as my Savior. I know I am not complete without you. You will accept me just as I am. I surrender myself to you. Thank you God for hearing my prayer and making me a new person. In the name of your son, Jesus, who is now my SAVIOR I pray, Amen.
If you said this prayer just now, please phone, visit, or contact someone you know right now who is a believer and tell them what you did. Or contact any Christian church and ask to speak to someone there. If you don’t know of a church, contact Lutheran Church Charities (866-455-6466) and we can help you find a church. It is important to tell someone. Jesus said to confess in public. He then will confess you to his Father in Heaven. You don't need to stand on the corner and shout it. Just tell one person. That's where you need to start.
Lord, thank you for being who you are. If there is someone reading this devotion today who hasn't yet taken the step of asking you for forgiveness of their sins may this be the day they receive you. Amen.
Lord, thank you for being who you are. If there is someone reading this devotion today who hasn't yet taken the step of asking you for forgiveness of their sins may this be the day they receive you. Amen.
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Tim Hetzner - President - Lutheran Church Charities | ||
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At the end of the day. . . Making A Difference |
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