Daily Devotion for June 8, 2006
How Deep Is Your Faith?
Abba, Father, he said “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Mark 14:36
Some time back I remember discussing the book The Diary of Anne Frank with a group of High School students. It reminded me of my weaknesses and limitations as a human being. Young Anne and her friend Peter were arguing about being forced to wear the Star of David. Peter was angry that he was being singled out as a Jew. He began destroying the stars attached to the piles of clothes that he and others piled on as they escaped to the hideout. Anne’s opinion differed from Peter’s. She was adamant about wearing her Star of David and was upset by Peter’s destructive behavior.
Class discussion began by focusing on the star’s symbolism for both Peter and Anne. One student suggested that the Star of David was symbolic of Anne’s faith and to destroy it like Peter is the ultimate sign of rejection. The students in the classroom began to silently question their own faith. Is it strong enough to withstand the excruciating pain and torture that others can inflicted on the human race? I asked the students if they would lie about their faith in order to save their lives from eminent danger/death. A few hands immediately flew up in the air. Those students expressed their fear of death and dying stating that they would do anything to prevent it. Afterwards, one student remarked that the real fear should be from God’s response to their lies and disobedience. Things got extremely deep when a young man pointed out that no one really knows what s/he would do until s/he is in that actual situation. A number of heads, including my own, began nodding in agreement. Would I lie about my faith in God to save my own life? This is where the Holy Spirit must take over; as our human nature is self-centered and often ignores God’s will for our own.
As I began to conclude the discussion God reminded me of the Holy Spirit’s enormous powers through not only Anne Frank’s story, but also that of Rachel Scott. Rachel Scott was a 17-year-old student who died professing her faith in God during the Columbine High School shootings in 1999. Rachel’s faith and complete trust in the Lord gave her the strength and courage to submit herself to the Holy Spirit and firmly answer “YES,” as she stared down the barrel of a .38 caliber handgun.
While our nation mourned the horrific loss of human life, God is clearly sending us a message through Anne and Rachel’s stories. Everything is possible if we submit ourselves to God’s will and not our own. Even the greatest tragedies like the Holocaust and the Columbine Highs School shooting, or even 9/11, will help further God’s kingdom. The key is submitting ourselves to God’s will and allowing the Holy Spirit to perform His miracles in and through our lives no matter what the cost.
While our nation mourned the horrific loss of human life, God is clearly sending us a message through Anne and Rachel’s stories. Everything is possible if we submit ourselves to God’s will and not our own. Even the greatest tragedies like the Holocaust and the Columbine Highs School shooting, or even 9/11, will help further God’s kingdom. The key is submitting ourselves to God’s will and allowing the Holy Spirit to perform His miracles in and through our lives no matter what the cost.
Lord, thank you for your unconditional love and the gift of eternal life through our savior Jesus Christ. Lord, I pray for the strength and courage to stand up for my faith and convictions in You. I pray that every day I will lose a part of me and replace it with a part of You as I strive to submit myself to your will and not my own. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Lord, thank you for your unconditional love and the gift of eternal life through our savior Jesus Christ. Lord, I pray for the strength and courage to stand up for my faith and convictions in You. I pray that every day I will lose a part of me and replace it with a part of You as I strive to submit myself to your will and not my own. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
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