Daily Devotion for June 15, 2006
Looking For The Right Things
While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” Luke 24:36-39
I’ve adopted a mental game in the past few years. Whenever I catch myself focusing on the negative or getting critical, I look for God’s blessing in the situation or person. For example, I recently attended a gathering where the people running it were very disorganized and appeared to be dysfunctional. Instead of being critical of the group (as I was beginning to be in my mind) I thought instead of how much time they invest in relationships with those they serve. That’s so much more important in the long run. I had to keep reminding myself of this so that I was not critical or negative. I am not always successful at shifting my thinking with this game, but it has become less of a habit for me to think negatively.
The disciples were fearful and thinking the worst when Jesus appeared to them. They thought He was a ghost. They were so immersed in their misery that they would have missed the miracle of His appearance if He had not spelled it out for them.
How often am I so focused on trudging along a difficult path that I miss out on the miracles Jesus places all around me? How can I better focus on the things God has for me to do, taking my eyes off of my selfish complaints and burdens?
Try it today. Can you make a conscious decision to replace your grievances and problems with the blessings God has given you?
Lord Jesus, we have so much for which to be thankful. Thank You for another day with those I love. Thank You for the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of blossoming trees in spring. Thank You for dying for us all, and for revealing Yourself to us in miracles, small and large, everyday. Help me to focus on You instead of the obstacles in the road. Amen.
Lord Jesus, we have so much for which to be thankful. Thank You for another day with those I love. Thank You for the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of blossoming trees in spring. Thank You for dying for us all, and for revealing Yourself to us in miracles, small and large, everyday. Help me to focus on You instead of the obstacles in the road. Amen.
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Tim Hetzner - President - Lutheran Church Charities | ||
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At the end of the day. . . Making A Difference |
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