Monday, November 20, 2006

Daily Devotion for November 20, 2006

Love must be sincere. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.  Romans 12:9-10
Some years back I led a weekend retreat for youth where I selected the time “Becoming” and chose Romans 12 as the scripture passage for the weekend. Over the course of the weekend, I was invigorated by the sincere desires and earnest dreams that I sensed within those youth in attendance.
The theme itself came from the song "Place in this World," by Michael W. Smith. In the song, he uses the turn of phrase, "And this becoming is harder than it seems." For so many young people, this sentiment is a cold reality. I wonder how much we adults contribute to this reality. How often do we judge our young people by what they wear or how they look instead of seeking to discover the love they hold within them?
One of the youth members, in discussing the weekend afterwards, made the comment that, "the whole weekend, everything, was about love; it's the only real way to live." May we all take something from this insightful young man and strive to give to his generation all the love and acceptance that our Christian hearts can muster...because every one of them is special and every one of them needs to hear that message.
Heavenly Father, help us to look beyond the surface to discover the beautiful person that lies below the hurt and pain within us all; help us to love the young people in our lives and seek to give them the guidance and caring that they need as they grow; help us to remember that it is not only our youth that must grow in faith and maturity, but that we are all in a process of becoming, together. Amen.
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