Daily Devotion for May 31, 2006
You are an Example
“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:9
Also 1 Samuel 13:1-15
One outline about the book of Philippians shares that, “It reveals the apostle Paul as ‘radiant amid the storm and stress of life.’” It even says the book isn’t about doctrine but about joy. The book was written to encourage those at Philippi to stand strong in their faith and to not be disappointed at Paul’s imprisonment and unknown time of return to face-to-face leadership. They became distressed and worrisome without his example and they began to doubt the Lord. He reminds them that he showed them when he was with them how to live and grow in their walk with the Lord both by his spoken word and how he lived. He reminds them to follow his example and further encourages them to copy his example until their own faith walk matures.
In the readings from 1 Samuel we also see that God sent Samuel to be an example to King Saul and all of Israel. Saul saw the circumstances and began to fear and doubt. He rushed ahead of God’s plan. He tried to do Samuel’s job instead of his own. He didn’t wait on God’s appointed timing. Because of his choice to act on fear and not in faith he lost God’s best plan for his life. This also affected the nation of Israel. Soon thereafter, God brought a new earthly king to power in Israel.
I remember a quote I heard years ago. “Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.” That’s what Christ did. That’s what the many bible stories tell us other men and women of faith did. They followed the Lord, and their lives were lived as people who walked beside others while being true friends.
Are you being an example? Of course you are, whether you like it or not! Everything you see, say or do tells others about you. If you are with someone for even five minutes, you are teaching them something. What are you teaching others? Are you teaching love? Is your life teaching them that Jesus Christ makes a difference?
Father, we thank you for the many stories of leadership in the bible. If we are following you, then we are leading someone. May our lives make a difference and count for your glory for eternity. Amen.
Father, we thank you for the many stories of leadership in the bible. If we are following you, then we are leading someone. May our lives make a difference and count for your glory for eternity. Amen.
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At the end of the day. . . Making A Difference |
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