Friday, December 30, 2005

Daily Devotion for December 30, 2005

The Right Time
Let us love one another. 2 John 5:5
How many calendars do you keep? A large one on the wall, a portable one, some manual, some electronic? How many schedules do you mesh besides work, school, sports, monthly payments, and annual check-ups?
Right now, as another December 25 becomes a memory, we are called to balance conflicting calendars in our heads and in our hearts. We are challenged to grow the spirit of Christmas within ourselves while the world marches on to New Year’s, ski trips, and post-season sales.
Each year what I want to hold on to is that air of freedom that invades even the most secular Christmas celebration—the freedom to love one another. At Christmas we are released from the world’s restraints as we give freely, promote kindness, embrace the neglected, take joy in chores, and delight in sharing. Christmas is clearly a great time to love others and to let them love us.
And that’s the point: it’s not a time; it’s not a square on the calendar. Christmas happened so we would know how to approach life, the Way to love one another.
Lord, help me keep the message of Christmas in my heart always.  Amen

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Tim Hetzner - President - Lutheran Church Charities
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