Saturday, December 24, 2005

Daily Devotion for December 24, 2005

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.  Isaiah 60:1 
Years ago I sent out an e-mail Christmas card; it was very simple in its design. It listed about fifty translations for the word “Son.” My thinking was this: Christ is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the story of Christmas, so why not just sum it all up in his name?
It was interesting to find out that in many languages, the word for “son” is “syn” (Czech, Polish, Slovak, Ukrainian) or even “sin” (Slovenian). There is a post-Tower of Babel irony in that.
In this season, we are called to transcend the Tower of Babel, to reunite with our fellow men and ourselves and accept our place as God’s beloved children. We do not need to build a tower to climb up to him anymore; he came down from heaven to be one of us. At Christmastime, we meditate upon the living God, emptying himself to be born human, a Son to eradicate sin.
On Christmas Eve, we recollect the story of that miracle.
In a few months, we will observe another miracle—our God loved us so much that he died for us and for our salvation upon a Roman cross.
Tonight, let us contemplate the miracle that he chose to take our form and walk among us. And that he walks with us every day and night, a gift that can never be taken away.
Come Lord Jesus – into our hearts, into our homes, and make your dwelling here in our lives.  Amen

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Tim Hetzner - President - Lutheran Church Charities
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