Daily Devotion for December 27, 2005
My Eyes Have Seen
Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: "Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." Luke 2:29-32
Why the Lord allows suffering, I do not know, but years ago, a preacher said something that stayed with me: that no matter what happens, this is still God’s world.
Joy. Peace. Happiness. They can be hard to find. Despair seems to be the only viable option for many people, especially after Christmas.
But don’t despair! Don’t lose your optimism, and don’t lose your hope. Joy, peace, and happiness can be yours by way of coming into the arms of a loving God who is steadfast, faithful, and always there to lift us up. And God’s power and love can be made manifest in even the simplest things: holding a door open for someone, helping a neighbor with his fence, dinner with family, visiting a friend in the hospital and just saying hello and giving someone a smile.
God transcends sadness, bitterness, anger, sorrow, and wrath. And with the Christmas gift of himself in the person of his son, Jesus, he transcended and overcame death itself. His love conquers all!
Heavenly Father – my eyes have seen and my heart has felt the glory of your coming. Help me reflect that reality in my life to others – and be an agent of Joy, Peace and Happiness in your name. Amen
Heavenly Father – my eyes have seen and my heart has felt the glory of your coming. Help me reflect that reality in my life to others – and be an agent of Joy, Peace and Happiness in your name. Amen
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At the end of the day. . . Making A Difference |
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