Keeping our head above water just enough to see the Feet of Jesus walking on it. Dear Daily Devotion Subscriber,
His Birth, His Life., His Kingdom... That is what we are about, everything else matters not!
Once a year and ONLY once a year, Lutheran Church Charities does a year end appeal to help keep our doors open and cover our administrative costs. We only do this AFTER all our other Dollar In/Dollar Out appeals have been made. I am President of LCC, and I write the daily devotions as part of the ministry of Lutheran Church Charities. Although the devotions do not cost a tremendous amount of money, they still cost time and dollars for distribution and internet costs. We wait until the end of the year to ask for your help with our administrative costs because we do not want you to put us above the other worthwhile ministries that we support, Dollar per Dollar, or the other worthwhile ministries that further the Gospel of Jesus Christ that you may support. We place ourselves last and ask that you remember us.
LCC is a ministry that seeks to Initiate, Develop, Promote, and Support Christian Human Care Ministry through Churches that build The Kingdom of God, in the name of God. All that we do seeks to... at the End of the Day, Build God's Kingdom by Changing People's Lives. To read more of what God has done through YOU and LCC, click here.
If you would consider a year end gift to help us continue to do Dollar In /Dollar Out pass through giving, please click here. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to try to be faithful with those ministries that God places in front of us each day.
Thank you for your prayers and for considering financially supporting our ministry.
In Him, Who at this time of the year shows His Compassion in that HE became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us in the Christ Child!
 Tim Hetzner Author - Daily Bible Devotions Lutheran Church Charities 333 West Lake Street Addison, IL 60101 |
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