Day 12
Bethany (El-Azariye)
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. Luke 10:38
(click on the photo below for a LARGER view)

We always like a town where we have friends, where we can take a warm welcome for granted. Bethany, several miles from Jerusalem, was such a town for Jesus because of his friends, Lazarus, Martha, Mary, and Simon the Leper. He knew he could feel “at home” at their house
(Luke 10:38).
Here in Bethany, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:11-45) and here, on the last journey from Jericho up to Jerusalem, Jesus stopped for a visit only six days before Passover. On this occasion, Mary anointed Christ’s feet although the disciples objected. Jesus defended her extravagant action. On the next day he went over the Mount of Olives and entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey amid the jubilant shouts of the people (Luke 19:28-38).
The church of St. Lazarus here was built by the Franciscans in 1953 on much older remains of Byzantine and Crusader buildings. It stands in a pleasant garden back from the road and the shops. It has the form of a large mausoleum although it is not especially dark or depressing. A large inscription in the church is the Latin translation of what Jesus said here in Aramaic: “Ego sum resurrection et vita.”

“I am the resurrection and the life.”
A bit higher up the road is the reported sepulcher of Lazarus owned by some Moslems. Twenty-four steps lead down to an ancient burial place. We had to watch our step because it is easy to fall down the stairs.
Bethany has grown in its many years. However, at the time of Jesus it was the poorest section of the surrounding towns of Jerusalem, it still is the same, very poor. Interesting, the place that Jesus always stayed when he came to Jesus was in the poorest area. A very loud statement by Jesus.
Here in Bethany is also Four Homes of Mercy, a home for emotionally, mentally, and physically disable children and adults – run by Christians. It is always one of the last stops I make in any spiritual Journey to the Land. We always bring in money to help them continue to care for the “lowly” as Jesus did!
Loving God, Jesus performed one of his greatest miracles here when he called forth Lazarus from the grave. Here he said “If anyone believes in me, even though he dies, he will live and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die” (John 11:25). Help us also to believe in Jesus, for we too want to live with him both now and always. Here in Bethany, Mary poured out her precious perfume. May we generously pour out our time and talents in honor of your Son who lives and reigns with you forever in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen
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