Day 11
Dominus Flevit Chapel
"If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes.” Luke 19:42 Without a doubt, following the Via Dolorosa is among every Christian pilgrim’s most treasured memories – although I only stop at the sites that have solid Biblical evidence. But the Holy City holds many other blessings. Guests at the Inter-Continental Hotel to the west of the Old City enjoy one of the great panoramas of the world. All Jerusalem is spread out before them to the north and west. At sunset, the domes, spires, roofs of the tightly clustered houses of the Old City and its great walls all take on a wondrous warmth and majesty. Buses pull up below the hotel, and the tourists spill out and some have themselves photographed on a reluctant camel. Too bad that more do not take the path down to the right to the small chapel with a Latin name and a distinctive silhouette.
This chapel was built only in 1955, but on fifth-century foundations. There is an old mosaic inscription here, but the most beautiful feature is a large window above the altar with the outline of a chalice.

Here the wonder of the view from the “Dominus Flevit” (“The Lord Wept”) Chapel becomes more focused. Here tradition says that Jesus himself looked across at the golden city and reproached it for its indifference and hardness of heart. In fact, he was so moved by love and hurt by rejection that the Lord wept.
(Matthew 23:37, Luke 19:41-44). "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes.” Luke 19:42
A distinguishing feature of the chapel is the “tear cups” on the four corners of the roof. An ancient tear cup was used to catch the tears of a person who was grieving. In Luke 7:38 we see a woman who was moved by Jesus who “poured out her tears” on Jesus’ feet.
Lord, how you loved your people and desired to gather them close to you “as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.” But it was not to be. May we never reject you and your Gospel message, O Lord. Let us rather respond with joy and enthusiasm and remember that only you can bring Peace to the Land and to our aching hearts. Amen
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