Daily Devotion for May 22, 2006
Faithfulness Unrewarded
“But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison ... The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.” Genesis 40:14; 23
Faith isn’t responding to feedback or reward; it is persevering in what you have not seen and yet have believed. Joseph, within the context of this event, saw no reward for his faith, nor any repayment from those he blessed. This did not negate the testimony he was to them, nor the strengthening of his faith obtained through confirmation of the power of the Almighty God.
I have a friend who experienced a modern-day analogy of Joseph’s story. She was working with a group of very low energy individuals. She struggled with the injustice of working hard alongside slackers. Why work so hard for the same pay? What was her reward? Did those she benefited recognize her efforts? No; there was never mention of, let alone reward for, her hard work. Rather, she was punished by her coworkers whose collective lack of effort was made apparent by her hard work and productivity. In their view, she made it harder for everyone. She paid for her hard work with the malice of her coworkers. In fact, she was even accused of stealing by her second level supervisor, although through rumor rather than through official action (due, no doubt, to the lack of basis in fact). While this person did receive the punishment due, it was all in all a negative environment for the bulk of my friend’s stay with the organization. However, she was not working to please her coworkers, nor was she only working for her employers; rather, she was doing all that she did as unto the Lord, as we are called to do.
We will not always be rewarded in the earthly sense for our faith. Abel died for his faith. By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice and by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead. God is using Abel to this day, a far greater reward than simply having his sacrifice accepted so long ago. I suspect most of us will never be called to demonstrate this kind of faith Paul spoke of, but we all have opportunities to demonstrate our faith. Faith enables us to do what we know to be right, regardless of whether our efforts are rewarded or recognized in the earthly sense.
Lord God, thank you for the truth that allows us to focus on you single-mindedly. Help me to seek neither approval of nor reward from people, but to serve you wholeheartedly in all that I do. In your precious name, Amen
Lord God, thank you for the truth that allows us to focus on you single-mindedly. Help me to seek neither approval of nor reward from people, but to serve you wholeheartedly in all that I do. In your precious name, Amen
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