Daily Devotion for November 24, 2005
Twas the day of Thanksgiving,
When all through the city,
Not a creature was giving thanks -
Oh, what a pity.
No church doors were open,
No prayer meetings going on;
In this city of Christians,
Something was terribly wrong.
So the spirit of the Lord walked
To and fro
In search of thanksgivers -
Where could he go?
Thanks should be many,
For I have blessed its occupants
With the horn of plenty.
The turkey and trimmings
Have been prepared with great care,
For family and friends
Will soon be there.
Their beds of affliction;
I have delivered others from
Crippling addiction.
I have sheltered some from
The dangerous storm;
I have sent goodness and mercy to
Protect from harm.
To meet life's demands,
Yet they fail to do what I command.
Upon their babes I have showered
Blessings from above -
Health and happiness and agape love.
Now as they gather around the table.
One by one,
Surely they will feel the presence of
My outstretched arms.
His respective seat,
Without giving thanks,
Each one did eat.
They devoured the turkey,
Dressing and yams
Without giving thanks to
"I am that I am."
Of the scrumptious meal,
They gathered around the television
For their greatest thrill.
While some of the little ones
Went out to play,
Others preferred a nap,
For it had been a long day.
"Let the football begin!"
But there were no thanks still,
And no amens,
Just the laughter, chatter,
Yells and screams
Coming from loyal fans
Supporting their teams.
While some little ones rested,
Undisturbed from their naps,
Others wiggled restlessly on their
Mommies' cushioned laps.
Either one or all
Will remember to give thanks for
Blessings great and small.
But the excitement of the game
Kept their attention;
No thanks were given,
And My name was not mentioned.
When the games had ended
And the day was done,
There were no thanks still;
No, not one.
My heart did ponder.
How could they not give thanks?
My spirit did wonder.
Perhaps I should destroy
Their fine homes with a storm,
Or refuse to shelter them and
protect them from harm.
Maybe I will allow SIDS to rob
Their babies' cradles -
Surely then they will know I am God
Who is able.
In a famine or drought,
Then they will really know what
Giving thanks is all about.
If I take away their jobs and
Give them poverty instead,
Then they will learn to thank me for
Their daily meat and bread.
If I allow them to be overtaken by
Affliction and addiction,
My unmerited favors they will declare
With true spirit and conviction.
Yes, that is My name.
To give life more abundantly is
The reason I came.
I am He who rides through
The mighty wind.
I am the giver of life and
The forgiver of sin.
I am He who causes the lame to walk.
I give words to the dumb
So they may talk.
I am the Lord that healeth thee.
Yes, I am He who divided
The Red Sea.
Yes, "I am that I am" is
Still My name -
Was, am and will be, I am the same.
The Lord continues to ask.
"I will," say the homeless,
Unemployed, hungry and sick.
"After all, it is our
Reasonable service;
It is not a difficult task."
Maybe someday those with the
Horn of plenty
Will pause to give thanks,
For their blessings are many.
Before you must go,
There is one more thing
I want you to know.
Through the words of this poem,
I have attempted to say:
Don't forget the true meaning of
Thanksgiving Day.
Remember, "It's not by power
Nor by might,
"But by my spirit," says the Lord.
Happy Thanksgiving to all,
And to all a good night.
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At the end of the day. . . Making A Difference |
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