Daily Devotion for March 29, 2006
To Jerusalem with the ComPassionate Christ
Day 29
Day 29
A man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising. The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did. Mark 15: 7-8
Lying, bound, in the gallows was ‘the so-called Barabbas’ who had been involved in rioting and was awaiting his fate. Who was he? The description of him in verse 7 could easily be translated ‘the notorious Barabbas’ so he was evidently reasonably well known. His name means ‘the son of the father’ or ‘the son of a rabbi’, which presumably indicates that his father was a respectable person. Indeed, it has been suggested that his father may have been a rabbi, given that religious leaders were often referred to as ‘abba’ or ‘father.’ So, Barabbas, the violent insurrectionist, had come from a good home, but he had become a felon. He had been involved in some terrible crimes and he was being readied to pay the price.
The text implies that Barabbas was not only one of those rioters with whom he was bound, he was the ringleader. Opportunity had arisen for a minor revolt against the Roman authorities, and Barabbas and his gang had taken it with both hands. In the confrontation, murder had been done and the Romans had had to use the garrison to quell the troublemakers. Barabbas had ended up in prison, having been arrested. He could not have expected to have long to live. Perhaps he styled himself as a popular revolutionary, or as a patriot; the common people probably regarded him as someone who disturbed their fragile peace; the Romans regarded him as a common thug. It is also possible that Barabbas was viewed as a “Messiah” figure that would deliver his people (the Jews) from their enemies the Romans. Whatever the case – he was a threat!
Pilate had no idea that a man like Barabbas would be the people’s choice to be released, but even as he reminded them of the custom, they asked that it be continued. They were preparing to choose evil over good, to usher in earth’s darkest hour, and so to send the Savior in sacrifice to die.
Dear Lord, we, like the Temple crowd that day, often make the wrong choices. We let our “personal” desires, our “immediate” circumstances over ride what is good and right to do. Forgive us and help us to see things as You see them, not to focus on “today” but on “eternity”. Amen
Dear Lord, we, like the Temple crowd that day, often make the wrong choices. We let our “personal” desires, our “immediate” circumstances over ride what is good and right to do. Forgive us and help us to see things as You see them, not to focus on “today” but on “eternity”. Amen
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At the end of the day. . . Making A Difference |
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