Daily Devotion for March 12, 2006
To Jerusalem with the ComPASSIONATE Christ
Day 12
Day 12
Then everyone deserted him and fled. Mark 14: 50
Overcome by the size and violence of the opposition, and possibly disarmed by Jesus’ own stance, the disciples turned and fled. Although the subject of the sentence is not mentioned, it is clear that Mark means that those who had followed Jesus, the three in the Garden with Him, and those who had waited a little further off, they all deserted Him. Jesus’ predictions had proved to be correct (v.27); His disciples stumbled in their faith and disappeared into the night. Despite His warnings, they could not yet grasp that the Messiah would have to be arrested and suffer in such a manner. They did not recognize in Jesus the Suffering Servant foretold in the prophecies of Isaiah (e.g. Isaiah 53).
The word Mark uses to describe the disciples’ actions is ‘forsaking.’ Deliberately abandoning Him they protected their own interests; they ran for their lives. This can be the only reasonable explanation for why Peter was not also arrested at the same time, considering his attack on the high priest’s servant. This would explain why he was so afraid of being recognized later that night.
Although the Jewish Gospel writers (Mark, Matthew, John) do not mention Jesus healing the servant’s ear, Luke the gentile does mention this important fact! And he touched the man's ear and healed him. (Luke 22:51) Could it be that after witnessing Jesus healing of what they perceived as their enemy, they fled? The reality of the type of Messiah Jesus is certainly was made clear to them when he healed the man that Peter had tried to kill. Jesus comes to seek and to save ALL people – including those WE see as enemies, those WE see as obstructionists of Christ’s cause, and those WE see as no good.
How many times have we wanted to run from the reality of who and what Jesus is – and who HE loves?
So, the same word is used of the disciples as Jesus uttered on the Cross. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" But whereas the disciples really did run away, God did not, as we shall see.
Help me Lord to bring hope and healing, as You did, to those who stand opposed to You. Help me to make a difference by being loving to those who try to hurt me. Amen
Help me Lord to bring hope and healing, as You did, to those who stand opposed to You. Help me to make a difference by being loving to those who try to hurt me. Amen
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At the end of the day. . . Making A Difference |
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