The Myth of Tomorrow
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14
None of the 295,000-plus victims of the tragic tsunami in Southern Asia woke up on December 26th believing that day would be their last. For that matter neither did any of the people in the Gulf States when Katrina hit. They never once thought that the glance, hug or words they shared with a loved one that day would be the final ones of their lives here on earth.
What can we learn?
Perhaps for me the biggest reality check in these disasters are the stark reminders of the unpredictability of life. We wake each morning assuming we'll always have more time. Yet each of us one day will have our own Dec. 26th - the day we give a last glance, a last hug and speak our last words. The day that God will say our time on this earth is done. Very, very few of us will recognize it when it comes.
The question we must ask ourselves is, "What if this was my last day? What would you say? Whom would you say it to? And, before you enter eternity, whom would you like to bring with you?
It was perhaps possible to issue a warning to those 295,000-plus souls in Southern Asia. But without minimizing that devastation, between the time I write this and you receive it we will have lost 240,000 people to hunger-related causes throughout the world thats each day. And what about those right around you in your town, your neighborhood, your own family. Did you know that the child poverty rate in the U.S. is among the highest in the developing world? In our world, 1.2 billion people live on less than $1 a day, and 2.8 billion people live on less than $2 a day.
In the light of these global disasters, we have an opportunity as the Church, and as individuals, to be a "tidal wave of compassion living out the healing, redeeming love of Christ to our wounded world.
We cant anticipate a tsunami, a hurricane, disease or even a careless driver. No, we dont have a guarantee of tomorrow. But we can make today count. We can Make A Difference.
Heavenly Father help me to live my life today as if it was my last here or someone elses last day. Help me to touch those who are hurting with the Compassion that you have given me. In your holy, precious name. Amen