One Citizenship
“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two thus making peace and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one spirit. Consequently you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his spirit.” Ephesians 2:13-22
Belonging to a country is a very important thing. It is also important to which country you belong. The latter determines the level of protection you receive from abuse, the level of freedom that is assigned to you, the level of decision-making power through your vote. It determines which values you are taught as a child, and what things you will hold dear and respect in the future. In general, it means that there is a stronger power behind you that you have helped build. Millions of people risk and some lose their lives in pursuit of a citizenship or residence from a Western country. For many it means the life or death of their families in the countries they come from. For others it means greater freedom to think, write, and express their political, religious, or philosophical opinions without the fear of persecution. Paul knew very well the importance of his Roman citizenship, and he knew how to use it. In very dangerous times in his life the mere fact that he was born a Roman citizen was enough to grant him a fair trial.
God in Christ has united all believers under one citizenship. The cost of this citizenship was nothing less than his blood. It was his blood that ensured the acceptance, the reconciliation, and the peace among those who enter his kingdom, and also between them and God. As such, this kind of citizenship is precious beyond compare, and beyond any kind of explanation. In Ephesians Paul describes a future that the Lord God is preparing for his people. He says that, “you are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his spirit”. The hostility between man and God, between man and man, is laid to rest at the cross, so that as one people we can become a place for the spirit of God to dwell, for God himself to live in.
Have you ever noticed that when you invite a very important person into your home your attitude towards your household chores suddenly changes? Everything has to be immaculate and flawless. Children have to be on their best behavior. When a very important personality comes to town the whole town comes out to greet him or her. At that point, there are no hostilities. In a beautifully decorated city, there is a celebrity to greet and to impress. In our midst, there is God who wants to dwell. He is not passing by or wanting to be impressed; he is dwelling, living, staying, in our midst, sharing meals, bringing together those “who were by nature, children of wrath (2:3) and disobedience (2:2)”. He has made us part of what used to be the promise of hope to the children of Israel.
Now that you and I have a new citizenship under Christ, we are no different in our rights and obligations, than any other citizen. I would like for us to think about the following questions in a serious manner, like we would think about our own country of citizenship. How is our attitude towards those outside the protection that we enjoy? Do we consider ourselves fully emerged in our new home, or do we still linger outside its walls? Are we building a place in our churches and homes where the Spirit is dwelling, where God is the sun and the water, the very source of life? Or is our dwelling being torn apart by the “desires of the flesh and of the mind”? People come to America and want to become part of it because it has so much to offer, freedom, riches, and hope for a better life. Is our life portraying those things in Christ, or has our faith become a burden of rules and regulations? Are we dedicating our energy to studying, protecting, and teaching our new constitution, the testament of Jesus Christ, or has it become a relic that is collecting dust on a shelf? To whom are you swearing your true allegiance today, to Christ, or to the world?
Lord Jesus, through your blood you have bought what we could never purchase, our citizenship in the glory of God. And it was painful, but you set the first example. You showed us what the values of importance were in this new country where we got accepted. Help us to learn from you the true virtues that you possess. Help us act in responsibility towards God, our brothers and sisters, and towards those outside, so that they may see, believe and give glory to God.
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